Indian Cooking - North Indian Breads

This is my favourite vegetarian curry. It is absolutely amazing and works brilliantly as a side dish or as a main course. If you like broccoli, you are going to love this fantastic curry.

Add 4 c of water to the saucepan and bring to a boil. Season with salt and pepper then lower the heat to simmer. Gently add the dumplings to the saucepan.

In the context of Muslim cuisine, this is also known as a Warqui Paratha, where Warqui means 'leaves' and is similar to the word Warq, which refers to the beaten silver or gold sheets that are used to decorate sweets.

Continue to cook the melted butter over low to medium heat. It should continue to pop and bubble and some foam may appear on top. You can skim off and discard the foam if you like but leaving imp source it won't affect the ghee.

Bayberry wax costs about 4 times that of Beeswax. It takes 15 pounds of Bayberries to make one pound of wax. It has a warm, earthy fragrance reminiscent of newly mown hay, and dries to a lovely olive green color. A small amount can be added to other waxes to make them harder & impart its green color. This is a pro as there are no other natural colorants for candles apart from the yellow of the beeswax. All natural candles, that is totally natural candles, are white unless they have beeswax or bayberry wax added.

I can give you endless reasons why ghee is a healthy ingredient to cook with. For starters it is a good source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E. Ayurvedic cooks prize ghee for its ability to...

Skim the solids off the top and discard. Now carefully pour the clarified butter into a plastic container. Ensure that the solids stay in the pan and do not mix with the clarified butter - ghee.

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